- Registered under Gov. Reg. act 1860.
- Accredited centre of Nielit.
- ISO certified.
- Approved from Tally Academy.
- Authorised centre of PMKVY and NSDC.
- Certificate accepted in all Government & Pvt. department.
- Best infrastructure.
- Highly qualified faculty.
- Good collection of books in library.
- Computer system ratio 1:1.
- Generator and inverter facilities are available.
- Wifi campus.
- Whole premises covered with CCTV surveillance.
- Smart classroom (with projector,audio,video and visual aid).
- Practical taught by faculty in lab with LED TV (so no disturbance of visualisation).
- Air conditioned classrooms & Labs.
- Online support for students (issue user id and password to every student wherever they can get their syllabus,notes,lectures and videos etc.).
- Online verification of certificate.
- 100% placement.